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Newton's diffraction experiments and their continuation

historical and philosophical conclusions

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photon with structure 
(c) nieke

News: "Diffraction since Newton" 2008
Newton’s view of diffraction is described. Diffraction is differentiated in light- and shadow-side diffraction and supplemented with references to addional experiments.
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Newton's diffraction experiments and their continuation

Newton reported completely about the diffraction, also where he could not explain the measuring results or explain mathematically. If today one checks the diffraction experiments of Fresnel,thus one finds out that his information very exactly is right. But exactly where his theory does not fulfil the measuring results any more enough, exactly there he breaks off the communication of his measuring results without pointing to the divergences.
Fresnel worked on, above all, the external diffraction stripes of the hindrances which correspond to the diffraction in the half-plane. There the shadow borders can be determined slightly geometrically, because from there the diffraction stripes are measured out. In a limited area he could formulate the diffraction figure of the half-plane and the external diffraction stripes of the slit in very big distances with the help of the Fourier's theorem (Fresnel integrals) mathematically, whatis a permanent merit for him .
In textbooks borderline cases are taken into consideration since 1850 only Fresnels. Newton's diffration experiments are suppressed - this must be corrected immediately.

historical and philosophical conclusions
Historical conclusions are analyzed which have originated from the nonobservance of the Newtonian diffraction experiments. Further the philosophical arguments which are based on the same cause are analyzed.
Heisenberg concluded for the structure of the photon the formal beginning: lying side by side Fermion and Antifermion with Spin and Antispin. He looked at the photon with structure and the Spin not as formal spin-quantum-number, but as a spin- rotation- or clearly as a vortex-aggregate .

other publications
publications about the vortex structure of the light

continuing experiments
continuing experiments and their consequences on the structure of the light

intended publications
in preparation located experiments and publications

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