Newton's and Fresnel's Diffraction Experiments The Continuation of Newton's Diffraction
Experiments Diffraction of Light at Slit and Hindrance Interference-Angle Condition, Diffraction and
Imagery Diffraction One After Another and with
Intermediate Imagery Diminishing of Frequency of Light after
Diffraction Inner and Outer Diffraction-Fringes at
Circular Openings Superposition of Interference and Diffraction Diffraction Experiments with Inhomogeneous
Illumination Experiments with Polarized Light at Slit and
Double-Slit The Background of Diffraction-Figures Trial for Interpretation of Newton's Diffraction
Experiments Consequences for Photons out of Newton's
Diffraction Experiments Consequences for Structure of Electrons out of
that of Photons The Thermally Conditioned Electromagnetic Field Diffraction and Light-Emission of Electrons Energy-Steps of Electrons in Magnetic Eigen-Field Faraday's Electro-tonic States Near-Field Optics with Regard to Newton's
Diffraction-Experiments Consideration of Magnetic Moment of Electron
in Quantum Theories |
Diffraction and Light-Emission of Electrons
Already Newton had proved in his diffraction experiments that light never can be a wave and he excluded indeterminism. For establishment of diffraction is offered the photon with structure and its field their interaction causes a change of direction by hindered field with use of vortex-dynamics. This is transferable on other particles by consideration that at photons determine their frequency the diffraction-figure and at other particles their velocity. If electrons change their velocity or direction, then can be tied off field-lines analogous Hertz's dipole emission, and then photons can be emitted. .....DiscussionsIn the discussion between Bohr and Einstein was considered Bohr as victor. But Einstein could prove his refuse opinion against the dualism of wave and particle (Einstein [31]: fusion of wave and particle) and indeterminism (Einstein [32]: God does not dice) to Heisenberg-Bohr's quantum-theory if he had recognise the importance of Newton's diffraction experiments. Moreover, Einstein [33] 1934 had written a foreword to Newton's optics, but the third book had obviously devoted no attention to him. Newton had not put out the observations 5 and 10 for he could not foresee Fresnel's simplifications or suppressions. Also he did not use his diffraction experiments for interpretation of nature of light. Einstein had to experiment in order to find Fresnel's inadmissible and wrong extrapolation with help of Newton's observation 5 and 10. But at that time he could not give an alternative. This was possible first about 1960 after acknowledgement of structure of elementary-particles. Already Broglie introduced with the photon with the guidance-wave, what Born corrected in guidance-field, the possibility of self-interaction (but he did not term it so). However, now it is possible to carry on the opinion of Einstein. The optimism to this already Laue [34] had given, when he wrote (translated): " ... For the author shines no smaller the difficulties to unit jointly particle- and wave-introductions for the same object. ... But the necessary unity of both introductions remains moreover an unrealised demand to the theory. One do not say this difficulty were invincible on principle. In an interpretation of every experiment is involved already theory." This theory here resulted only from suppression of Newton's diffraction experiments. References[1] I. Newton, Opticks, or a Treatise of the Reflexion, Refractions, Inflexions and Colours of Light. London 1704; Opera qua exstant omnis, Tom IV. London 1782; Optics. Reprint, Bruxelles 1966; Optik II + III, Übers. W. Abendroth, Ostwald's Klassiker Nr.97. Engelmann, Leipzig 1898. Neuauflage Bd. 96/97, Vieweg, Braunsschweig 1983; Optique, Trac. J. P. Marat 1787; Reproduction Bourgois, Paris 1989. [2] A. J. Fresnel, Oeuvres Complétes I. Paris 1866; Abhandlungen über die Beugung des Lichtes. Ostwalds KIassiker Nr. 215, Engelmann, Leipzig 1926. 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