Newton's and Fresnel's Diffraction Experiments The Continuation of Newton's Diffraction
Experiments Diffraction of Light at Slit and Hindrance Interference-Angle Condition, Diffraction and
Imagery Diffraction One After Another and with
Intermediate Imagery Diminishing of Frequency of Light after
Diffraction Inner and Outer Diffraction-Fringes at
Circular Openings Superposition of Interference and Diffraction Diffraction Experiments with Inhomogeneous
Illumination Experiments with Polarized Light at Slit and
Double-Slit The Background of Diffraction-Figures Trial for Interpretation of Newton's Diffraction
Experiments Consequences for Photons out of Newton's
Diffraction Experiments Consequences for Structure of Electrons out of
that of Photons The Thermally Conditioned Electromagnetic Field Diffraction and Light-Emission of Electrons Energy-Steps of Electrons in Magnetic Eigen-Field Faraday's Electro-tonic States Near-Field Optics with Regard to Newton's
Diffraction-Experiments Consideration of Magnetic Moment of Electron
in Quantum Theories |
Light in Deterministic and Synergetic Processes
The experimental foundations of the 'photon with structure and field' are reported in detail. With those basic facts are reported diffraction and interference as deterministic interaction of single-processes by change of direction or reflection - refraction. However, in induced emission in laser the dominant field synchronized by interaction the photon in 'status nascendi' in a synergetic process, for the photon is built up during the so called life-time. .....ResultsThe spontaneous emission permits only the interaction of every photon with its field, designated as self-interaction. This is a deterministic interaction dependent on phase-dependent return of field to its photon as change of direction or influence on reflection or refraction. The induced emission causes a state- of order of photons. The field of every photon can interact with every photon of equal frequency and mode, also with photons in 'status nascendi'. This could be named as synergetic interaction. Source of synergetics is the synchronize of photons in 'status nascendi' by the dominant field and so a light-crystal can arise. In non-linear optics, at very high density of photons, is a to suppose an interaction of photons with each other. This accords to a general interaction with many new effects, synergetic effects too . One could say, that is no news: With order of diffraction-fringes, differences of phases, and of orders of radiation, this was formal to explain. That is only partially right, but now this can be founded. 1st. With the change of direction of photons, 2nd: With the periodical influence on parts of reflection and refraction, 3rd: In lasers by synchronisation of photons in 'status nascendi'. Only the last is a process of synergetics . References[1] N. Bohr, A. W. Kramers a. I. C. Slater, Z. Phys. 24 (1924) 69; Phil. Mag. 47 (1924) 785. [2] H. Nieke, Newtons Beugungsexperimente und ihre Weiterführung. Halle 1997, Comp. Print 1, Arbeit 12. 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