Newton's and Fresnel's Diffraction Experiments The Continuation of Newton's Diffraction
Experiments Diffraction of Light at Slit and Hindrance Interference-Angle Condition, Diffraction and
Imagery Diffraction One After Another and with
Intermediate Imagery Diminishing of Frequency of Light after
Diffraction Inner and Outer Diffraction-Fringes at
Circular Openings Superposition of Interference and Diffraction Diffraction Experiments with Inhomogeneous
Illumination Experiments with Polarized Light at Slit and
Double-Slit The Background of Diffraction-Figures Trial for Interpretation of Newton's Diffraction
Experiments Consequences for Photons out of Newton's
Diffraction Experiments Consequences for Structure of Electrons out of
that of Photons The Thermally Conditioned Electromagnetic Field Diffraction and Light-Emission of Electrons Energy-Steps of Electrons in Magnetic Eigen-Field Faraday's Electro-tonic States Near-Field Optics with Regard to Newton's
Diffraction-Experiments Consideration of Magnetic Moment of Electron
in Quantum Theories |
Interference-Angle Condition, Diffraction and Imagery
The so called coherence-condition contains a geometrical relation, where the angle to (conventionally) light-source has to be smaller than to interval of diffraction-fringes. Here an action of order of radiation does not exist, therefore the name interference-angle condition is offered. In Fraunhofer's manner of observation also inner diffraction-fringes of slit appears outside the focal-plane. At parallel incident light in distance of double focal length with and without optics the same diffraction figures with inner and outer fringes arise, only the figure is inverted with optics. Interference-angle condition and Abbe's theory of imagery complete one another in microscopic imagery. ![]() Figure 1. Schematic drawing of light-source and double-slit for derivation of the coherence-condition. L - light-source of the extend X; S - double-slit with the spacing d; P - photoplate with the first diffraction maximum in the spacing Y; Θ - half aperture-angle; α -diffraction-angle.. ![]() Figure 2. The positions of the maxima of inner and outer diffraction-fringes between single and double focal-length. 135 mm - single focal-length, 270 mm - double focal-length, ο maxima of inner fringes, • - outer- fringes. The outermost appearances of inner diffraction-fringes mark the shadow - limit. ![]() Figure 3. Photometer-curves or diffraction-figures of a slit with a width of 0.6 mm. Illumination-slit 0.001 mm, tessar f' = 135 mm as collimator. a: without farther optics in 140 mm distance, b: with a lens f' = 140 mm in 140 mm distance. ![]() ![]() ![]() Figure 4. Diffraction-figure of the triangular-slit in double focal-length. A super-pressure mercury-lamp HBO 100 with green-filter and condenser that illuminated a hole-diaphragm 0.1 mm, in 1 m distance stood a lens f' = 1 m, behind that a triangular-slit 0 . . .3 mm that was so parallel illuminated. Behind: a: Tessar 1 : 2.8, f'= 50 mm, diffraction-figure in 100 mm distance, b: Objective removed, diffraction-figure in 100 mm distance. Figure 5. As figure 4. a: Tessar 1:4.5, f'= 135 mm, diffraction-figure in 270 mm distance, b: Objective removed, diffraction-figure in 270 mm. Figure 6. As figure 4. a: Achromat 1 : 8, ft = 320 mm, diffraction-figure in 640 mm distance. b: Objective removed, diffraction-figure in 640 mm distance. DiscussionThe analogy to water-waves suggested former to accept light with order-states or phase-relations. Already Maxwell [30] considered light electro-magnetic disturbance, but he calculated also with waves. With help of interference-angle condition could be shown that there the wave-interpretation of the so called coherence-condition never was necessary for it is explicable pure geometrically. At diffraction with imagery is to respect that inner and outer diffraction-fringes of slit show another dependence of distance. As generally known grow intervals of outer fringes linear with distance, photons run here rectilinearly. Differently there are the dependence of the inner fringes of slit or diffraction-fringes of the half-plane. Here Fresnel [19] found experimentally an other behaviour. It will do to consider parallel incident light, where intervals of diffraction-fringes grow only with the root of distance (more exactly by Nieke [24]). Newton [20] concluded out of transition from inner to outer fringes at triangular-slits that light-particle have to run eel-like. By Nieke [22], [23] and [24] the shadow-side bent light is displaced shadow-side for it seams to come from the slit-jaw, photons have to run in an S-curve. So it is sure that diffraction and imagery are to describe differently by inner and outer diffraction-fringes. In section 5 are described special-cases. Panarella [31] examined the non-linearity of photo-multipliers at smallest intensity. He used the diffraction-figure of a small hole-diaphragm and he found their fringes blurred by smallest intensity. He diminished the intensity of light with neutral-density-filters that are so arranged in optical-path that they could reduce the interference-angle-condition as result of scattering in this filter. Here-upon could hint the blurred fringes. Jeffers, Wadlinger and Hunter [32] confirmed this result with a small slit instead hole-diaphragm, but they used the same apparatus with diminishing by density-filters. Therefore here is to prove that this was no effect of reducing of interference-angle condition. References[1] M. E. Verdet, Ann. Sci. L'École Norm. Super. (Paris) 2 (1865) 291. [2] E. Berge, Math. naturwiss. Unterricht 27 (1974) 326. [3] W. Arkadiew, Phys. Z 14 (1913) 832. [4] P. H. Cittert, Physica 1 (1934) 201. [5] F. Zernicke, Physica 5 (1938) 785. [6] S. I. Wawilow, Die Mikrostruktur des Lichtes. Akademie-Verlag, Berlin 1954, S. 62, 76 u. 84. [7] G. T. Reynolds, K. Spartalian u. D. E. Scarl, Nuovo chim. 61 B (1969) 355. [8] P. A. M. Dirac, Die Prinzipien der Quantenmechanik. Hirzel, Leipzig 1930. The Principles of Quantum Mechanics. Clarendon Press Oxford 1935, 1947, 1958. [9] P. L. Kapitza u. P. A. M. Dirac, Proc. Cambridge Phil. Soc. 28 (1933) 297. [10] H. Schwarz, Z. Phys. 204 (1967) 276; Phys. Bl. 26 (1970) 436. [11] G. Magyar u. L. Mandel, Nature 198 (1963) 255. [12] G. Richter, W. Brunner u. H. Paul, Ann. Physik (7) 14 (1964) 239. [13] R. J. Glauber, Phys. 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